Embrace Creativity: 5 Ways to Unleash Your Potential

Image by Karolina / Kaboompics for rawpixel.com

Not too long ago, I thought people fit squarely into one of two camps: creative or analytical. Some people did liberal arts in college, while others went straight toward accounting. 

In my mind, the division was clear. I was always told I was good at math, so I internalized this idea. I firmly believed that I belonged to the analytical group and that creativity was out of reach. Based on everything I thought I knew, I was a doer, not a dreamer. But I was so wrong!

As I educated myself about the creative process, I realized that I had unintentionally dismissed and neglected a crucial skill set, and in doing so, I had forgone its wonderful benefits.

I am on a fun journey to reclaim my creativity, and I invite you to do the same.

What is creativity?

Creativity often gets conflated with artistry. I have now learned that artistry is only one expression of creativity. In other words, being an artist is one of the many ways that creativity can manifest itself. (Entrepreneur.com)

Better yet, I discovered that my definition of “art” was simply too narrow. By creating an artificial line between “practical” people and “eccentric” artists, I had “othered” myself and stunted my self-expression. 

Art can be more than famous paintings, musical pieces, and sculptures. There can be artistry in many technical fields as well. Writing a beautiful line of software code can be a form of art. Engineering has a lot of science but maybe also some art to it.

In “non-artsy” industries, creativity is often recognized as innovation and used in design thinking. (HBS Online)

We may not refer to it as artistry, but envisioning what could be, anticipating what the world needs, and developing new products or services require creativity.

Brothers Tom and David Kelley expressed this sentiment much more eloquently in their book titled Creative Confidence: 

“Creativity is much broader and more universal than what people typically consider the “artistic” fields. We think of creativity as using your imagination to create something new in the world. Creativity comes into play wherever you have the opportunity to generate new ideas, solutions, or approaches. And we believe everyone should have access to that resource.”

Everyday Creativity

To demystify creativity and make it more accessible, you must first recognize its importance in your everyday life.

You are exercising your creativity when you cook a meal, put together a killer outfit, artfully apply your makeup, plan an exciting vacation, or solve a challenge at work.

You express your creative skills when you use your imagination, solve problems, do crafts, write fan fiction, invent or improve things, or present existing concepts in a new way.

Every time you put your spin on something and let your interpretation shape the outcome, you are being creative. This can also mean taking various common inputs and combining them in a way that is unique to you. 

“It turns out that creativity isn’t some rare gift to be enjoyed by the lucky few-it’s a natural part of human thinking and behavior. In too many of us it gets blocked. But it can be unblocked. And unblocking that creative spark can have far-reaching implications for yourself, your organization, and your community.”

(Tom Kelley & David Kelley, Creative Confidence)

Benefits of Creativity

Creativity can improve your well-being, enhance your mood, and reduce stress and anxiety. According to a 2018 Forbes article, it reduces dementia, makes you happier, boosts your immune system, and even makes you smarter!

Creative activities can be a form of mindfulness that offers a reprieve from everyday stress. Imaginative play also releases dopamine, a natural antidepressant. The combination of these two factors makes creativity a powerful tool for mental health. (Huffpost.com)

Having creative outlets boosts motivation and increases productivity. It enhances your self-expression and self-awareness. It heightens your ability to solve problems and think outside the box.

Pursuing creative endeavors can also create an opportunity to connect with others and build social networks around shared interests.

How to fuel your creative side

To be creative, you need exposure to new ideas, perspectives, and activities. You must also suspend judgment and allow yourself to veer off the predictable path. 

Making room for creativity in your life means embracing experimentation and being open to failures. Your creative spark requires space to manifest itself. 

Here are a few ways to explore and enhance your creativity: 

Talk about creative pursuits.

Substitute small talk about the weather with an exchange about passion projects, adventures, and hobbies. This is a great way to fuel your creativity tank. It also allows you and your conversation partner to be seen as your multifaceted, glorious selves.

As you refine your creative expression, embrace becoming part of a “scenius”. I was introduced to this concept by Austin Kleon in his book “Show Your Work,” but musician and producer Brian Eno coined the term.

A scenius refers to a collective creative environment, an “ecology of talent” where like-minded people share their talent, influence each other, and contribute to one another’s success.

Try new things often.

New experiences expose you to new perspectives and ideas. When you step outside of your comfort zone, you challenge your brain to take in something different from your usual. New adventures help you break out of old patterns and habits to see things from a fresh perspective.

The departure from monotony can lead to more innovative and creative thinking. It is hard to spark new ideas when you operate on autopilot. Experiencing something new expands your world, keeps your mind open, and gets your creative juices flowing.

So sign up for that cooking class, graphic design course, or improv workshop that you have been thinking about. You don’t need to commit to it long-term just yet. Try as many things as pique your interest. Lots of places offer a free trial or a short-term option so you can experiment.

Step into your playful side.

One way to embrace creativity is by tapping into your playful side. This means letting go of self-judgment and overcoming the fear of making mistakes. Allow yourself to try something new and enjoy the process. 

Try playful activities that appeal to you and experiment with different mediums. Creative play doesn’t have to be serious or perfect. It’s about enjoying the journey and expressing yourself. You do not have to share the results of this creative expression. Enjoy imaginative play for its own sake.

Play with your children, nieces, or nephews. Take part in a team sport. Play board games or assemble puzzles. Buy a coloring book. Sign up for a music class. Doodle, draw, or make something else with your hands (pottery, woodworking, knitting, etc.).

Playfulness can reduce stress and anxiety, boost problem-solving skills, and increase your well-being. It also encourages a positive outlook on life and increases resilience. (NYtimes.com)

By allowing yourself to have fun and let loose, you open yourself up to new experiences. 

Switch up your environment.

New surroundings help you break out of your routine and provide a fresh perspective on life and work. They break up the monotony and create an opportunity to challenge your assumptions and status quo. They can provide opportunities for networking and collaboration with new people. 

Whether in a different workspace, a new city, or even a virtual setting, your senses are stimulated by novel sights, sounds, and experiences. 

This fresh sensory input sparks curiosity and activates different parts of our brain, promoting cognitive flexibility and creative thinking. This can lead to new connections and ideas forming in your mind.  

New spaces can also reduce distractions from your usual settings, which helps you focus better. A change of scenery can also be a chance to recharge and reset so that you can return to your life with renewed energy.

So, shake things up often. Travel somewhere new, try a co-working space or work out of a new coffee shop. Expose yourself to diverse perspectives, cultures, and experiences. But even smaller tweaks to your environment will make a difference. 

Research suggests that small changes to our surroundings can still have a significant impact on our creative process. Adjusting lighting, introducing ambient noise, or incorporating elements of nature can enhance our mood, focus, and idea generation. (Buffer.com)

Document your inspiration.

“The best definition of creativity I’ve ever heard is from author Dorothy Parker. She said, “Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye.”

The wild mind means you give yourself permission to put a thousand different ideas in your head. You notice a song lyric, a comment from the mailman, a sign at a coffee shop, a question your curious toddler asked, and an article in the New York Times. You collect anything that is remotely interesting to you.

Then you look at that vast collection of unrelated ideas and have the discipline to see the connection between them in a way no one has before.”

Jon Acuff’s “Try This!” newsletter

Start by managing your inputs. Curate the content you consume. Follow people and accounts that motivate and energize you. Their passion and ideas can ignite your own creativity.

Collect pieces of other peoples’ content that speak to you somehow. Save pictures, quotes, and ideas that speak to you more deeply. Document the original sources so you can revisit them as needed.

Document your own wild ideas without judgment or censoring. Get in the habit of recording them as soon as they come to you. Write them down or record a voice memo.

Let your mind wander and allow it to connect all these random pieces of inspiration collected here and there. Remember to give credit where it is due.

Parting Thoughts

Embracing creativity is a transformative journey that allows us to connect with our imagination, explore new possibilities, and express ourselves authentically. 

Use the tips above to light your creative spark. Give your mind the space and freedom to connect the dots, mull things over, and give you new ideas.

Remember, you are creative, and there are endless ways to embrace and nurture this side of you. Let your imagination soar and unleash the creator within you.

Now, go forth and create!


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